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Focus100 Instilling Well-Being

Transform skillsets of individuals or teams with FOCUS100 and stay ahead of the curve.

For Intermediate Level

Focus100 Instilling Well-Being


100 Minutes


  • Explore personal meaning and benefits of well-being
  • Learn ways to cope with stress and emotional upheaval
  • Cultivate a mindset of personal enrichment and relationship fulfillment

Training objectives

At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  1. Meaning and benefits of well-being
  2. Well-being, myths, beliefs, and behaviors
    1. Helplessness vs helpfulness
    2. React vs respond
  3. Types and reasons for stress
  4. Dealing with stress and emotional upheaval
    1. Identify
    2. Develop
    3. Cultivate
  5. Instilling a sense of well-being
  6. Personal milestone charts

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