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Focus100 Surfing the Waves of Change

Transform skillsets of individuals or teams with FOCUS100 and stay ahead of the curve.

For Intermediate Level

Focus100 Surfing the Waves of Change


100 Minutes


  • Decode the meaning of change and appreciate its necessity.
  • Understand responses towards change and techniques to manage the same.
  • Develop skills and coping mechanisms for embracing change and uncertainty.

Training objectives

At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  1. Change and it’s meaning in today’s time
  2. Approaches to change
  3. Role of a change catalyst—What’s in it for me?
  4. Traits and skills of a change embracer
  5. Change zones
  6. Resistors and enablers
  7. SURF model
  8. Catching the next wave
  9. My Change readiness map – Action plan

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