Handling Change at Work: Master the Waves with the SURF Model

Published: February 24, 2025
Updated: February 24, 2025
handling change at work
Handling Change at Work: Master the Waves with the SURF Model

Change today is a lot like surfing the waves. For one thing, change, like waves, actually never stops. It can be large or small, fast or slow, but it is continuous. No two waves are exactly alike, and that’s one of the things that makes surfing so much fun. But there are patterns: Waves form, roll, peak, and break. Often, the difference between a successful surf and a complete wipeout is your ability to understand the characteristics of that particular wave as it forms. These things are all true of change, too.

When it comes to handling change at work, recognizing that change is a process, not a singular event, is essential. We move from what we had known and done through a period of transition to arrive at a desired new way of behaving and doing our job. Once you start thinking about change as a process, the question remains: how do you manage this process every time you face one?

The SURF model offers a practical checklist to help you embrace and navigate change smoothly:

S — Significance What is the objective? Is the change long-term with a larger scope, or is it immediate? What is the need for this change for yourself and those around you?

U — Utility What are the tangible and intangible benefits of this change? How will it improve your work or your life?

R — Resistors What challenges and risks might you encounter? Identifying these early helps you strategize effectively.

F — Funnels What are your strategies, milestones, and actionable steps for dealing with this change and sustaining the progress you’ve made?

Whether it is a change at home, in the community, or especially at work, individuals are successful at handling change when they have awareness of significance, utility, resistors, and funnels.

When everything seems hopeless or difficult, that is precisely where we have the chance to grow into something better. By using the SURF model, you can confidently navigate the hardships of change and bring about positive, successful transformation in both your work and your life.

Are you ready to master the waves of change? Let the SURF model be your guide to handling change at work with confidence and ease. Contact us today and allow us to help you.

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