Why Leadership Builder®?
Holding others accountable in a positive, principled way is simply doing two things:
1) Establishing expectations and
2) Managing unmet expectations.
One of the most valuable skill sets a leader can develop is the ability to effectively establish the expectations they hold of others. Using common sense and experience-based learning, our leadership training program strengthens leaders’ ability to hold others accountable in a positive and principled way.
In our training, master how to:
- Create positive accountability
- Establish expectations
- Manage unmet expectations
- Close performance gaps
- Accelerate communication
- Elevate employee morale
A Game-Changer for Organizational Leaders
The central framework in this training is the Accountability Sequence® model, which provides leaders a proven process to establish expectations, increase leadership accountability and manage unmet expectations in a way that will turnaround performance and help others achieve the result. This is key to holding others accountable in a positive, principled way.
Leadership Builder is the solution provided by DOOR in cooperation with Partners In Leadership.
What you learn:
- Identifying your Expectations Chain®
- Accountability Styles® assessment
- Working with the Accountability Sequence®, Outer Ring®, and Inner Ring®
- Increase team engagement with Alignment Dialogue®
What's the impact:
- Hit goals and achieve targets faster, rather than grow targets faster
- Boost performance – and your bottom line
- Engage and retain your highest performers
- Achieve game-changing results
What you get:
- Copy of The New York Times bestselling book How Did That Happen®
- Leadership Builder™ workbook and pocket card training guide
- PILtools access
- Pre-workshop assessment