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Entrepreneurship Training

Entrepreneurial Thinking is the number ONE skills your company needs!

Entrepreneurship Training is the number ONE skills your company needs!

In today’s ever-changing interconnected world, more and more companies realize how important it is to infuse that entrepreneurial mindset into the workplace, but they don’t always know how to do it.

Unlock higher levels of CollaborationCreativity, & Proactivity in your Team and Organization…while also Having Fun!

Play a smarter game of business in less than 3 hours!

FreshBiz is a unique solution and entrepreneurship training which helps to spark and develop it.

Entrepreneurship Training Courses

“Fresh Minds” lays the foundation & framework for developing a new mindset. This is where it all begins. And during 60 minutes of game play, participants must work together, communicate & be creative to overcome challenges & win the game as a team.
01 Entrepreneurial Mindset
02 Collaboration
03 Creativity & Innovation
04 Being Proactive

Ask about Entrepreneurship Training

A Hidden Business Risk: Addressing Menopause for a More Inclusive, Safe and Productive Workplace

Making menopause inclusivity a priority improves your organization’s performance and financial bottom line and makes it a great place for employees to work.