Mentoring for Mentors and Mentees

#Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.

Mentoring for Mentors and Mentees

This DOOR training program is designed to enhance skills to become effective mentors. Organizations today are embracing the concept of mentoring as a professional development tool. Mentoring helps in bringing dramatic improvements in efficiency, productivity and passing of institutional knowledge and leadership skills from one generation to the next. Mentoring for Mentors and Mentees course offered by DOOR helps professionals prepare self for mentorship.


2 Days


  • Pre-requisite for mentoring
  • Purpose and benefits of mentoring
  • Life cycle of mentoring process
  • Challenges in mentoring
  • Mentoring skill sets

Training objectives

At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  1. Understand concept of mentoring
  2. Understand the purpose and benefits of
  3. Enhance skills to become an effective mentor
    and deal with challenges of mentoring
  4. Learn structured mentoring process

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