Thank You For Your Feedback

Leaders not only have to model giving  #feedback, but also receiving of feedback in a positive way.

Thank You For Your Feedback

A crucial part of a leader’s job is evaluating team members and offering them feedback to improve performance. And it is not the role of the leaders to just be the ones giving it; they could be the beneficiary of it too. Effective leaders want to lead productive teams, improve their leadership abilities, and further their careers. Feedback from colleagues and subordinates alike is the key. Thank You For Your Feedback DOOR program equips leaders with mindsets, skills, and tools for exchanging effective feedback and creating a culture which welcomes the power of it.


1 Day


  • Types and sources of constructive feedback
  • Guidelines for giving constructive feedback
  • Feedback – a developmental tool for self and others
  • Key feedback triggers and handling barriers in feedback situations
  • Practice giving constructive feedback & nurture an appreciative environment for exchanging feedback

Training objectives

At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the role and importance of feedback
  2. Learn ways to give and receive feedback in a structured and efficient manner
  3. Leverage feedback for personal and professional growth of self and others
  4. Receive clarity on how to avoid common feedback mistakes and address challenging feedback situations
  5. Enhance constructive feedback-giving process and action planning to bridge the gaps

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