Time Matters

The key is in not spending time, but in investing it. #timematters

The demands of being a manager can ebb and flow in today’s times, especially with shifting priorities, unexpected demands and dealing with team issues, and thus it is imperative that an effective manager has a system of maximizing returns on time invested. Time Matters DOOR program includes tools for the new century manager to be more strategic and tactical and flexing between the two. It allows managers to create their results sieve, having a better control and clarity over their important goals and activities.


2 Days


  • Concept of time
  • Understanding goals and energy areas
  • Developing personal effectiveness systems
  • Skills to better equip a performance-oriented lens
  • My time management style
  • Results sieve
  • Co-creating goals
  • Personal success blueprint

Training objectives

At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  1. Deepen one’s understanding of time as a valuable resource for a manager
  2. Developing a personalized time management system leading to personal success
  3. Appreciate one’s own pace and style
  4. Learn skills, tools, and techniques for enhanced personal effectiveness
  5. Develop a blueprint of personal success and actions

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